Invicta Contest Group Have 3 Callsigns and a Short Contest Callsign, However you are only ever likely to hear in a Contest Either M5IC, which is normally /p or portable or our SCC G5H. Before a Contest you may Hear the call sign G8TRF used for testing, this callsign originally belonged to Maidstone ARS, Invicta Contest Group was born out of Maidstone ARS and we hold this historic callsign as respect to our roots. However there is one contest where we break the norm and this is the September 144mhz Trophy, out of respect to our beginings we air the historic 1937 G3WM callsign which belonged to Maidstone ARS. When we started contesting we used this call sign as it is a short 2 letter call, We air this call once a year as a mark of respect.